Selasa, 25 Mei 2021

5 Most Deadly Pandemic In History

5 Most Deadly Pandemic in History -  The widespread of the coronavirus encourages every affected country to take decisive action in combating a pandemic, such as locking up entire cities and limiting travel. Based on data reported by Fox News, there are more than 5,300 people have died due to Covid-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared the Covid-19 outbreak as a pandemic. This statement indeed reminds some people of some of the worst pandemics that have occurred in history. Credits: Pixabay Here are 5 of the most severe cases of the pandemic in history.   1. Spanish flu  The influenza pandemic has killed more than 50 million people worldwide, including 670,000 in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Spanish flu was the deadliest virus in the 20th century.  Some of the first cases detected were soldiers at Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas. By October 1918, the flu had killed around 195,000 Americans. In fact, this pandemic has reduced the average life expectancy in the US by more than 12 years.  2. HIV / AIDS Around 32 million people have died from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS, which have acquired the immunodeficiency syndrome since it was first discovered in the early 1980s.  Globally, 75 million people have been infected. But rapid scientific progress has helped extend the lives of those infected with HIV / AIDS. 3. Swine Flu  In 2009 there was an outbreak of swine flu with an influenza virus known as H1N1. This virus was first detected in the US and spread very quickly. Around 61 million cases of swine flu have been reported during April 2009-2010. Globally, more than 575,000 people are dying from swine flu.  4. Asian flu  East Asian flu began to occur in 1957. This H2N2 strain was first discovered in Singapore, before finally spreading in Hong Kong and the United States. Globally, Asian flu has killed 1.1 million people, including 116 Americans.  5. Flu Hong Kong  The Hong Kong flu, which became a pandemic in 1968, has also killed around 1 million people, about 100,000 of whom came from the US Most cases of death are people aged 65 years and over who are infected with the Hong Kong flu.  The Hong Kong flu outbreak includes the third influenza pandemic that occurred in the 20th century. This disease arises from the H3N2 virus, which is thought to have evolved from a strain that causes Asian flu.

