Senin, 31 Mei 2021

Number Of Cases Soaring, New York Declares State Of Emergency Coronavirus

New York Declares State of Emergency Coronavirus - The Governor of the State of New York in the United States (US) has set an emergency status regarding the coronavirus outbreak. So far, there have been 76 confirmed cases in New York. At a press conference, Governor Andrew Cuomo said that New York City, the most populous metropolis in the state, had recorded 11 cases. While Westchester County currently has 57 cases, an increase of 23 cases overnight. Nassau County on Long Island has four cases, Rockland County has two instances, and Saratoga County has recorded two new cases. All cases in Westchester County are related to the second confirmed case in the state, which involves a lawyer working in Manhattan. "Westchester is a mendasar persoalan for us," the governor said. However, Cuomo repeatedly appealed to the public to remain calm, while revealing that around 80 percent of COVID-19 patients would recover by themselves and overall health risks for New Yorkers were still low.
