Selasa, 18 Mei 2021

One Family Infected By Covid-19, Plays Tiktok For Self-Comfort

One family infected with corona played TikTok. (Channel News Asia) Viral video of a Malaysian doctor and his family who played TikTok while undergoing quarantine due to being infected with COVID-19 . The doctor's wife and five children were tested positive for COVID-19. Even though he was having a hard time, the doctor's family still tried to cheer up. They entertain themselves by making TikTok videos. even though kitorg positive covid , kitorg as a family will go through this together ☝️☝️ plus health condition kitorg okay je ,, here’s a tiktok we made to entertain ourselves kt hosp tu haha — Erika (@errikaaaaaaaa) March 27, 2020 "Although we are positive COVID-19, as a family, we will pass this together. We are fine. This is a TikTok video to entertain ourselves," one of the doctor's family members wrote on his Twitter account. Later it was discovered, the doctor named Dr. Samsu Ambia Ismail. Dr. Samsu was infected with COVID-19 after treating COVID-19 patients. Then, his wife and child also became infected.
