Kamis, 10 Juni 2021

10 Things You Need To Know About Coronavirus

The mysterious Coronavirus that is endemic in Wuhan is now a global health duduk perkara. This disease causes Chinese pneumonia or Wuhan pneumonia. The virus that initially spreads from animals can cause pneumonia or pneumonia. Here are some things to know about the coronavirus.  What is the coronavirus? According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), coronaviruses are a group of viruses that commonly infect animals. Only in rare cases can it be transmitted from animals to humans, as happened in Wuhan, China. Symptoms of coronavirus Coronavirus can make people sick of Wuhan pneumonia or Chinese pneumonia. This disease is different from the usual types of pneumonia because of different kinds of viruses. Credits: HONG YOON-GI GETTY IMAGES The part of the body that is attacked is usually mild to the moderate upper respiratory tract, similar to a common cold. Symptoms that appear include runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache, and fever. For fever, what distinguishes it from other disease symptoms is the time of attack or incubation is longer, which reaches 14 days. If it attacks a person with a weak immune system such as the elderly or children, it is possible that the virus can cause more serious respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. CNN reported, before the Wuhan coronavirus attacked, there were several deadly human coronaviruses. Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are among the diseases caused by the coronavirus group. However, many experts revealed that the coronavirus that spreads in Wuhan is said to be lighter than SARS and MERS, which takes longer to develop symptoms. The spread of the coronavirus WHO states the virus can spread from human contact with animals and humans with humans. Until now, it was not known what animals spread the virus. Provisional conjecture leads to snakes and bats. Especially for bats, the Chinese habit of consuming bat soup is blamed for causing the spread of the coronavirus. Spread from human to human occurs when related to the secretion of an infected person such as coughing fluid. Coughing, sneezing, shaking hands can also be a medium of transmission depending on how active the coronavirus is. This virus can also be transmitted by touching something that has been affected by an infected person and then touching the mouth, nose, or eyes. The CDC also mentions nurses can also be exposed when handling impurities or patient objects. Who can be infected? MERS, SARS, and coronaviruses in Wuhan attack elderly people. The average attack people aged 40 years and over. Handling of the coronavirus Until now, there is no specific treatment for dealing with the coronavirus. But, research is still being done. Most of the symptoms will disappear by itself. Experts advise seeking treatment early. If symptoms worsen, see a doctor immediately. Several drugs can relieve symptoms. Moisturize the room and take a warm bath, drink lots of fluids. And resting as much as possible can also help reduce symptoms. Do you need to worry about the coronavirus? The death rate of the Wuhan coronavirus is lower than MERS and SARS, but it is the same as the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. "This is a significant problem, globally," said Imperial College London expert Neil Ferguson. Prevention Until now, no vaccine can protect themselves from the coronavirus. The US National Institutes of Health are concocting a vaccine for this virus. However, it can take months or even years for clinical trials of the vaccine. Everyone can reduce the risk of getting infected by avoiding contact with sick people. Always wash your hands with soap and clean water for 20 seconds. Do not forget to eat foods with balanced nutrition so that health is always maintained. Always be aware of the environment so that it is not easily infected with viruses. Pregnancy Studies in 2014 showed that the coronavirus in pregnant women can be a more severe risk, such as stillbirth. A 2004 study also found that SARS-related diseases cause miscarriages. Corona and pet viruses Pets such as dogs and cats can also be infected with the coronavirus. Studies show cats can get SARS and experience symptoms similar to those experienced by humans. Victims To date, the death toll has reached 132 fatalities. While the infected have touched thousands all over the world. However, there are reportedly about 103 patients who have recovered from the coronavirus infection. Source: CNN
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