Jumat, 11 Juni 2021

5 Answers To Coronavirus Persoalan, Is There A Remedy To Effective Checks At Airports?

The Chinese Health Authority continues to strive to restrain the spread of the coronavirus that has spread overseas since it was first detected in downtown Wuhan, more than a month ago. At the same time, several questions then arose related to the coronavirus in Wuhan. The origin and cause of the new coronavirus, which is called SARS, also contributes to the long list of questions about this virus. Credits: www.nbcnewyork.com  Launch South China Morning Post, here are some of them: 1. Can the virus be transmitted between humans?  Yes. Wuhan coronavirus can be transmitted between humans. Last week, a SARS expert in China confirmed that the transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus from one human to another could occur. Confirmation regarding human-to-human transmission has been supported by medical research, including a journal published in The Lancet medical journal. Meanwhile, experts are trying to measure how easily the virus can spread between humans, including if the airborne transmission can occur. Wuhan National Health Commission Minister Ma Xiaowei said that unlike SARS, the coronavirus can be transmitted within an incubation period that can last up to 14 days. He also added that people infected with this virus might not show specific symptoms. While the next risk of potential virus mutations is still unknown. 2. Is there a cure for this virus? No. So far, no confirmed drug can cure patients of the coronavirus. Scientists have not yet found a drug that can effectively cure this new type of coronavirus. So far, most deaths due to this virus are experienced by the elderly and middle-aged with a history of health diseases that have been previously owned. Previously, the Beijing Health Commission had said that they would use HIV retroviral drugs for patients infected with the coronavirus. Meanwhile, the US National Institutes of Health said that they would develop a vaccine for the coronavirus, which will be tested in three months. Chinese and American scientists at Baylor College of Medicine, University of Texas, and Fudan University are also in the initial stages of developing a different vaccine. 3. Does the use of masks protect against viruses? Surgical masks are only essential protection from viruses. Face masks themselves are widely used by people since coronavirus cases have continued to increase in the past week. Surgical masks can indeed prevent the wearer from spreading disease through the nose and mouth. However, there is no airtight 'lock' between the cover and the wearer's face, so there is still a risk of contracting the virus. Medical experts, including WHO, have recommended other preventive measures for the transmission of this type of virus. Among these are frequent hand washing, closing the mouth when coughing and sneezing, and avoiding consumption of raw or undercooked animal products. 4. Can the temperature gauge stop the virus from spreading? Measuring the body temperature of tourists at transportation posts cannot stop the virus from spreading. Infected patients will not necessarily immediately show symptoms and still be able to transmit the virus. According to an epidemiologist from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, surveillance of symptoms of fever at border posts is not 100 percent effective. Because people can easily pass the temperature check when no symptoms appear. Last week, a woman from Wuhan with mild symptoms passed a check at a French airport by taking medicine to lower her body temperature. He was tracked by the Chinese embassy in France. The Chinese Embassy is now urging residents who travel abroad to comply with airport health checks. As a result of this virus, several airports were encouraged to carry out higher surveillance and disinfection measures for tourists from Wuhan and China. 5. Does the virus come from wild animals in the Wuhan seafood market? To confirm the relationship between the coronavirus and animals in the seafood market, more research is needed. However, trade-in wild animals in China has been banned. Earlier, the Chinese National Health Commission said that 33 environmental samples that had been collected from the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan tested positive for the new coronavirus. These samples are mostly from stalls in the western part of the market, which sell wild animals. Experts have not been able to determine what species bring this disease to humans. However, at least two studies show that bats might be the first carriers of the coronavirus. The report that appeared in The Lancet later revealed a new fact that 13 out of 41 patients detected by the virus had no connection at all with the Wuhan seafood market. However, on Sunday (1/26/2020), the Chinese government continued to impose a ban on wild animals.
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